Data Quality deteroitation can be eradicated only through a quality process which is embedded within the Master Data Management process itself.

PROSOL Embedded Master Data governance & quality assurance program

Data Quality deteroitation can be eradicated only through a quality process which is embedded within the Master Data Management process itself.

Always on Data quality assurance program will help enterprises avoid the repetition of the situations the necessiate the need for periodic data cleansing process.

Coda Technology Solution’s Prosol is an embeddable data quality process which can be integrated into an enterprise’s core master data management process itself.

With Prosol, Enterprises can get a Master Data Curation Workflow process embedded within their enterprise applications so that whenever a new material code is to be created, the material code created is approved first internally by a senior member and then by a codasol’s material code expert professional before the material code is made final and added into the enterprise application’s database.

PROSOL Offering

PROSOL for Material
PROSOL And Its Repository (Our USP’s) -PROPEDIA
Prosol Flow Chart

PROSOL Governance

PROSOL Advantage

By Leveraging Prosol, our customers ensure that new item descriptions, modifications, or deletions are always in synch with globally standards.

When integrated with IT platforms including ERP, Inventory Management, EAM (SAP PM), and CMMS (Maximo) solutions, our governance solution ensures that data quality does not decay and remains intact in perpetuity. This real-time Master Data Management provides our customers with the ability to intelligently govern and synchronize materials data across multiple applications and systems.

Prosol’s Efficient Product Coding Process can improve understanding of OEMs and OPMs for Products. By leveraging Propedia , ML based Master Data Management integrated into it, Prosol can help in systemizing Products-Tools Relationships through Bill-Of-Materials

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